1. Waterproof mascara is a must. I’m a loyal daily waterproof mascara user, but it’s especially essential in the summer when not only are you in and out of the pool or ocean, but you naturally are sweating more, and no one wants makeup running down their face.
2. Chilling your eye cream in the refrigerator. There are few better feelings than putting a cold cream on your face after a hot day in the sun. My favorite trick is to put my favorite eye cream in the refrigerator so that it’s ready for me when I come home from a beach day.
3. Using Veet Fast Acting Hair Removal Cream. Shaving can be a tedious process as is, and it’s especially tedious in the summer when you need to count on having smooth legs every day. I recently got this hair removal cream from Veet and I love that it removes all the hair on my legs in less than 5 minutes. Not only that, but I find I have to use it much less frequently whereas with shaving, I have to do it pretty much every day. The formula also has aloe vera in it which is crucial in the summer months.
4. Swap your dry shampoo for baby powder. This is a hack I’ve been doing for years, and anyone who knows me personally can attest. I’ve converted so many friends to baby powder users. After a beach day your hair can be a greasy, piece-y mess, and sometimes you might not have time to wash your hair. Baby powder is a quick and easy fix. Just make sure you brush it through thoroughly, especially if you have dark hair!
(Another baby powder trick is to sprinkle it over your skin after going to the beach to get all the sand off that likes to stick on your skin and linger!)
5. Freeze aloe vera gel in ice cube trays to treat sunburns. If you’re anything like me, the sun will find a way to burn you even if you lather on the sunscreen religiously. I constantly have aloe vera gel on hand, and I love putting them in the freezer so I can pop one out when I get home for a quick and cool relief.
Veet® helps you feel smooth all summer long. There’s nothing like the feeling of freedom that summer brings. https://www.facebook.com/veet
Disclosure: Compensation was provided by Reckitt Benckiser via MODE Media. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicatvie of the opinions or positions of Reckitt Benckiser.
Eye cream in the refrigerator sounds like a fabulous idea!
I never thought to freeze the aloe vera gel before.
i love the aloe hack!
I swear by banana boat after sun lotion, its perfect for a day at the beach.
Freezing the aloe is genius!
The Grass Skirt
whoa this is so useful for summer! Can't wait to try some of these hacks, especially the eye cream in refrigerator and aloe ice cubes
Amanda | feast.fashion.faves
Great choices for summer must haves!!
The CHIC Insomniac
i totally do that baby powder thing and it's just as good as my baptiste dry shampoo. thanks for sharing these awesome summer time tips. xx. gigi. http://www.gigikkitchen.com
I had just now heard recently about using baby powder to get sand off your skin. Going to the beach soon so am definitely going to try that out!
Number 5 is a really good idea and I'm pretty sure to try that out! I already had my first sunburn for this season so…