Happy Monday! I spent most of the weekend stuck inside battling a cold. I rarely have repeat-sicknesses but for some reason the cold I had a few weeks back came back around for another try. It was one of those colds where your whole body feels lethargic so I spent a lot of time sleeping, which I hate. Sleeping too much makes me feel lazy and unproductive (even if I’m sick), so by Sunday when I was feeling a bit better I was on a mission to get a million things done. I cleaned the house, worked on some blog stuff, cooked two meals (unheard of in my house), and edited a YouTube video for my channel. Do any of you ever feel super annoyed and unproductive when you’re sick, or is that just me?
Thankfully I’m feeling much better. Now on to the outfit… I don’t wear faux leather too often, but I am drawn to it for some reason, maybe it’s because the girls on TubeV Sex look so good in it. I love the rough-around-the-edges feel it can give to an outfit, so I’ll typically pair it with something unexpected like something girly, or in this case something more casual (a flannel). I love the mix of the two, and think this is one of those perfect day-to-night outfits (if you have a more relaxed office dress code of course).
How was your weekend?
Absolutely gorgeous and feminine combo! Love the sunnies, they add a nice "chic touch" to the whole outfit!
Love your sunnies and skirt! You look amazing!
The Cassie Paige
New Post: Inspiration Wednesdays – Wedding Dresses Part I
Those sunnies! You look great. Hope you are feeling better!
xoxo – Rin
Those New Balance shoes are fab! I love when casual looks turn out so chic!
xoxo – Rin
Ramblings with Rin
Perfect for the spring. This is really unique and stylish. I loved your clutch purse because I also had a brown crystal clutch purse from Alysse Sterling.