Wen Sweet Almond Mint Cleansing Conditioner, Wen Sweet Almond Mint Texture Balm, Wen Sweet Almond Mint Styling Creme, Sleep ‘N Beauty Mulberry Silk Pillowcase
I shared on instagram awhile back that I was giving the WEN by Chaz Dean cleansing conditioner a try, and after using the whole bottle, I feel I can give you guys an accurate review on it.
I first heard about WEN when Emily Maynard shared her beauty routine. Girl has killer hair so I was intrigued from the start. Turns out it’s a popular choice in Hollywood and you’ve probably seen an infomercial for it a time or two. The cleansing conditioner promises moisturized, shiny, and more manageable hair.
I will start by telling you about my hair – It’s long (obviously), and very thin, but I have a lot of it. I was hesitant to use a cleansing conditioner because too much conditioner can weigh down my hair and keep it from having any volume.
The thing that threw me off the most about this product is the amount of product you have to use with each wash. If you have short hair they recommend 10-16 pumps for short hair, 16-24 for medium hair, and 24-32 pumps for long hair. I literally used 24 pumps every time I washed my hair. I would put in 12 pumps, throw water on it, lather as much as possible, rinse completely, and then do the same thing with the remaining 12 pumps. It seems crazy to use so much product (and it is) but I don’t think I would have seen the same results had I not used the 24 pumps.
I instantly noticed how fewer tangles I had fresh out of the shower which is a huge time saver for me. I could spend an hour brushing out all my tangles on a bad night.
I only used it every 3 days and if I felt the need to shampoo in between those three days (which wasn’t often) I would use a drugstore brand shampoo and conditioner. I would say it took about a week for me to really notice the difference. My hair certainly felt thicker, shinier, and stronger.
With that being said, I was done with the product in about a month, and the bottle sells for roughly $32. WEN recommends you sign up for their monthly program which will automatically purchase and send the product for you monthly. It truly is necessary because otherwise you would find yourself ordering the cleansing conditioner every few weeks.
All in all, I really loved what the cleansing conditioner did for my hair. If you are used to spending a certain amount on haircare products each month, I highly recommend it. I am back to using drugstore products and I already miss it. I will keep you guys posted on whether or not I continue to use it.
And for the short version, here’s my pros/cons:
-Silky hair
-Less daily tangles
-Thicker feeling hair
-Less hair washing needed
-Amount of Product Necessary to Use
Let me know if you guys have questions about the product, and if you want to see more reviews like this!
I have since learned that your first shipment of the Basic Kit is only $29.95 which includes the Clenasing Conditioner (which replaces your shampoo, conditioner, leave-in conditioner, deep condititioner, and detangler products), plus a styling creme and the nourishing cleansing treatment – which is actually quite a steal. If you upgrade to the Deluxe Kit you get more for an additional cost. Either kit includes a free gift. When you become a WEN member you recieve exclusive discounts on all WEN products, so in addition to the ease of getting your shampoo automatically monthly, you get additional perks.
When you take into account all the products you don’t need to use anymore when using WEN, it makes sense to pay more for it than a standard shampoo.
(Product was provided by WEN for the purposes of this post – all opinions are 100% my own.)
have a great week
I hate when you have to use a lot of a product to feel like it's working!
I have been curious about this stuff for awhile. Thanks for the review! I might have to try it now. 🙂
The Grass Skirt
Thank you SO much for reviewing this cleansing conditioner, I've been thinking about trying this product out!
It is tempting to try – I have tons of hair – thick and coarse, plus it is on the DRY side…
If your hair is super dry you will love it — mine is incredibly dry even though I don't use heat products on it every day. After I stopped using it I realized how dry my hair is without it and I'm going to start using it again.
Interesting! I've always wondered about that stuff.